Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Archeology, anyone?

As Ken and I expected, Greece is full of  fabulous archeological treasures in any number of museums and digs.  But the subway!?  Apparently, dig a deep hole just about anywhere and you'll find more archeology than the museums can hold!

Here's a couple of display cases in our local metro station. 

This is a piece of ancient pipe made out of clay.  We can't quite remember if it was part of an ancient aqueduct or a sewer drain.  It's about five feet long and has a diameter of about a foot.  The jugs or jars in the background would have been used to hold water or other liquids in the home.

And below is a display in a much larger metro station.  This is not a display case--it is the actual archeological site (though now protected by glass walls).  You can see an opening  to a water pipe similar to that seen in the previous photo--it's in the middle of the back wall--still in place rather than dug up for display.

And here's an interesting explanation of various parts of the display.  We were particularly intrigued by #13:  In case it's difficult to read, it says:  "Early christian building [4th - 5th c. B.C.]"  Those are really early christians, I guess.

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